News news news!

Nothing is forever, especially not in (dark) showbiz:
Our long-time bass and co-founder Jan has decided to focus his energy on other projects and leave Stimmgewalt.

We thank him for the years of strength, creativity and, of course, vocal might (that pun doesn’t work at all in English) he has given us, and wish him all the best on his path.

In Jan’s own words:

“Dear friends of extraordinary a cappella music,
I hereby declare that I’m leaving Stimmgewalt.

It’s no big deal for band and the music since I have never been a “frontman” – contrary to what some people proclaimed. The other members will continue to sing those extraordinary tunes you got used to.

The reason for my leaving is simple: time. In addition to my carrier as an engineer the new Van Canto album and tour 2018 will demand a lot of “work” so that I won’t have time to be a full member of two bands.

I wish Stimmgewalt all the best for the future and fans as loyal as always!

Lots of love,

Rakkatakka, comrade!

In other news, our live album is also receiving the final touches, so we are happy to present it to you in the near future. What we could hear so far sounds awesome and we can’t wait to share it with you.